Community & Social Events

Community festivals and celebrations
We regularly hold cultural celebration events which provide a great way for you to come together, learn about other cultures and celebrate with your community! In a typical year, these include celebrations for Eid, Diwali and Christmas as well as an annual Great Get Together and Summer Fun Day. Keep an eye on our calendar for details of our next event.
Bring & Share cultural lunches
Fancy trying some different foods? We regularly hold cultural lunches at which you can bring and share tasty dishes from a variety of countries from around the world. At one of our recent events these included Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India, Hungary and Mexico! Check our calendar to find out when our next lunch will be. Free of charge, just turn up.

Bring & Swap
Would you like the opportunity to swap your own household items for something different? We host regular bring and swap fairs so you can do just that.
Please note we cannot accept donations outside of these dates and not before the actual day. Save the items up and bring them along on the day!

Sam and Lina are a young couple who moved to Britannia Village in 2017. Lina is originally from Sweden while Sam is born and bred in the UK.
How did you get involved with the activities at Britannia Village Hall?
Back in 2017 we received a flyer inviting us to the Christmas Carol service in the hall. Having not met many members of the community yet, we decided to go along and really enjoyed our evening and met some fantastic neighbours!
Through this, we found out that the Victoria Dock Parkrun was about to launch and they needed volunteers. We saw this as a great way to further build our social connections and give back to the community – and it encouraged us to get up early on a Saturday morning!
What do you enjoy most about the activities?
We liked the opportunity to socialise with the diverse and friendly community and meeting new local people!
What difference has getting involved made for you?
Our involvement has really helped us to find a great group of friends and give us a sense of belonging in our community. Also, seeing so many dedicated locals running at the Parkrun every Saturday has motivated us to be more active!
What would you say to others considering these activities?
We’d really encourage them to not be shy, and just get involved!